Example 1 Meaning mal- bad malpractice wrong doing, neglect of duty mis -wrong misstatement wrong statement pseudo – false pseudonym name taken, especially an author, instead of his real name
Prefix Example Meaning
arch- archbishop chief bishop
hyper- hypertension very high blood pressure
mini- mini-bus small bus
out- outgrow grow too large or too tall
over- overdo do too much
sub- subnormal below norma
super- supermarket l large self-service store selling food
Prefix Example Meaning anti- (adj.) anti-aircraft use against enemy aircraft CO-{ก.) co-religionist one or two or more persons who adhere to the same religion counter- (ท.) Counter-attack attack made’in reply to an attack by the enemy pro- (adj.) pro-American in favor of American pro-Chancellor acting as

Prefix Example Meaning inter- (adj.) international between nations sub- (ท.) sub-committee committee formed from members of a main committee super- (adj.) supernatural of that which is not controlled or explained by physical laws trans- (adj.) transatlantic beyond the Atlantic (vt, vi) transplant move from one place to another
Prefix Example Meaning ex *” (ท.) ex-presiden t former president fore – (vt.) foresee know beforehand post – (vt.) postdate put a date later than the date of writing pre – (vt) prearrange arrange in advance re – (vt.) recall bring back to the mind
Prefix Example Meaning nono-one monorail single rail monocle eyeglass for one eye only uni- uniform not varying in form bi-two bilingual having two languages bicycle two-wheeled machine for riding on di- digraph two letters that represent a single sound dichotomy division into two tri-three triangle plane figure with three straight sides tricolor ล flag of three colors in stripes of the same width multi-many multiple having many parts or elements multiform having many forms or shapes
Prefix Example Meaning a-ab- absent away from amoral lot concerned with moral ashore the shore afield the field ad- advance come or go forward adjoin oe next to or nearest ambi- ambiguous having more than one meaning anti- anti-social against society antibiotic destroying bacteria CO- cohere stick together co-education education of boys and girls together con-, col- conjoin join together corn-, cor- collect bring together combine join together correlate relate with geo- geography science of the earth’s surface geology science of the earth’s history as shown by its crust, rocks, etc.
บทความถัดไปเราจะเริ่มการกล่าวถึง Suffix อย่างต่อเนื่องเพื่อให้การอ่านของนักเรียนเป็นประโยชน์มากที่สุดโปรดติดตาม
เขียนโดย รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร. ธัญญารัตน์ ปาณะกุล และ ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ส่องศรี โตประเสริฐ